Department of Arabic,
kaliachak college,
Notice dated 23/12/2020
Assignment for BA Arabic (Honours ) second semester .
This is to inform all the students of concerned semester that you all have to write assignment for the purpose of internal marks and same must be submitting within stipulated time from 24-012-2020 to 28-12-2020 at Specific Counter
Answer any one group of following groups.
Group- A
b.الفعل المضارع المعروف والمجهول وصيغهما
Group -B
a.الكلمة و أقسامها
b.الجملة الاسمية و الجملة الفعلية
Write a note on any one of the the following topics in your own language
1. طه حسين
2. أحمد أمين
3. المنفلوطي
You all have to write on the cover page of the assignment: department name, college name, your name, your registration number with session, your Roll and No, and paper name.
. Dr.Mujtaba Jamal,
Department of Arabic,
Kaliachak College